Monday, October 13, 2008

Week Three Scores!

I've always loved it when the clues are specific about something. This week marked disastrous for Mark and Bill as the clue was specific about how to get to the Detour and they overlooked it and incurred a 30mn time penalty and were Philiminated. Which is too bad, because I was really enjoying them. Christy and Kelly were all over the place and may as well have been hit with a silly stick, cuz they couldn't do much of anything well. Except maybe wipe out.
Those bikes looked awesome! Do you think it was carved out of one piece of driftwood (Meet The Parents movie reference)?

When will teams learn that it's a race. For money. And that you might just happen to get Yielded or U Turned. That's part of racing! I'm sick of teams taking that part of the game seriously. If you're good or doing well in the race, there's a chance that you'll get slowed down by either of the above-mentioned tactics. It's not personal. Deal with it.

Anyway - I enjoyed the episode and was glad to see they had to deal with the altitude. I think that was the first time I've seen that happen to the teams.

On with the scores (if you haven't already checked them out - which by the is possible for you to pretty much watch the scoring session LIVE. Assuming we're not watching it a tad later to skip commercials, but try it sometime it might be fun).

Bonus Picks: No one picked the correct team to be eliminated, so no points were awarded.

Here's the finish order:
Ken and Tina - I think they won a 7 night vacation
Toni and Dallas
Terrence and Sarah
Marisa and Brooke
Aja and Ty
Nick and Starr
Andrew and Dan
Kelly and Christy
Mark and Bill - Philiminated

The Team Scores:
Ken and Tina - 120
Mark and Bill - (-80)
Terrence and Sarah - 80
Aja and Ty - 60
Toni and Dallas - 70
Nick and Starr - 60
Kelly and Christy - 70
Andrew and Dan - 50
Marisa and Brooke - 70

Your scores:
Adam 240
Tracy 280
Linda 330
Mark 200
Amy O. 190
Tyson 130

Week-to-date Scores:
Linda 1120
Tracy 970
Tyson 850
Adam 770
Mark 680
Amy O. 520

I want to know...did they ever find out who pushed the sports bra over the ledge?!

Curious Racers