Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rules of the game

Each player picks four teams. You must make certain that your picks are not the same as another players. This will help eliminate the chance of a tie.

Points will be based upon what happens in each episode and here's how they'll be assigned:

1. Place at the Pit Stop
First Place: 100 points
Second Place: 90 points
Third Place: 80 points
Fourth Place: 70 points
Fifth Place: 60 points
Sixth Place: 50 points
Seventh Place: 40 points
Eigth Place: 30 points
Ninth Place: 20 points
Tenth Place: 10 points

2. Team uses Fast Forward: 100 points

3. Team uses their Yield: 50 points

4. Team Gets Yileded: -50 points

5. Screen shows the team "Currently in first place": 10 points

6. Screen shows the team "Currently in last place": -10 points

7. Only team to complete a detour option: 20 points

8. Team gives up on Detour option: -10 points

9. MONKEY points: a team says monkey, 10 points. They show a monkey onscreen, 5 points to all teams.

10. Team says the quote that is the episode title: 10 points

I'll keep tabs of scores and post them here on the blog "reasonably quick" after the episode.

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